On our episode #12 we explore the many ways in which women sacrifice themselves in the world today in the name of their “role”, today we explore the counterpart of this fact by exploring the male role in the world, the expectations it creates, the pressure it imposes, the consequences it brings. It is only through awareness that we can begin to tackle the challenges the compartmentalization has brought us, and through awareness itself we can find our way forward and embody the opportunities beyond.
In this episode you will learn:
– How Misha´s story is a reflection of every other story we could find regarding the need to embody a role.
– All the things that are being left behind, unexplored and unexpressed because of our imagined need to fulfill the expectations that are placed upon us.
– How invisible the conditioning can be even though it is in plain sight.
– What we can all do to help the world enter a new phase in which everybody is free to follow their own callings beyond our role.
Listen to the truth men are living in, discover how you are contributing to the perpetuation of these biases, and free yourself of your expectations of others and yourself.