The world is divided by imaginary boundaries in endless different ways, but some of these ways affect our lives much more than we might think. Such has been the case of gender roles, especially since the establishment of the patriarchy, for both males and females. On this episode, we explore life from the point of view of a woman: the implicit expectations, rules, possibilities and limitations they are subject to, and how they experience them.
In this episode you will learn:
– The main archetypes with which women are identified in the world today and how mythology can help us become aware of our understanding of the world in the moment
– The signs of a change of paradigm of integration that are starting to appear in the world, what they are showing us and what we can do to contribute
– The reasons why sacrifice can look like a good idea at a certain moment and how inner wisdom can help us out the second it starts looking like a bad idea.
– Why what we want at our deepest core is where the secret lies.
Let this exploration open your eyes to the world of women and beyond, into a world of reconciliation and balance.